Thursday, December 19, 2013

Di-follow Ustadz Felix Siauw

Ustadz Felix Siauw, asing sama nama ini? Kayaknya engga ya. Namanya emang bukan nama islami karena Ustadz ini adalah seorang mualaf. 

Pertama kali aku tau tentang Ustadz Felix itu dari salah seorang temenku di salah satu komunitas muslim di kampus. Waktu itu, dia nge-share salah satu link YouTube. Isi link YouTube itu adalah tausiyah Ustadz Felix tentang syahadat sempurna. Awalnya ga begitu tertarik untuk langsung buka link itu.

Waktu itu aku lagi nunggu kelas di gedung rektorat kampus. Karena iseng gaada kerjaan, akhirnya aku buka YouTube deh dan langsung nge-search Ustadz Felix Siauw. Dibagian atas ada video Ustadz Felix yang judulnya "the way to belief". Langsung deh aku click dan tonton...

Dan Subhanallah banget isi videonya. Ngebuka hati dan pikiran banget akan Islam yang sesungguhnya. Islam yang sempurna. Insya Allah bisa ngebuat kadar keimanan kita bertambah. Bangga memeluk Islam dan merasa ga salah masuk Islam. Untuk ngegambarin luar biasa makna dari video itu kayaknya ga cukup dengan jutaan kata indah untuk diungkapin. Penasaran? Tinggal search dan tonton aja di YouTube :D

Dari situ aku mulai ketagihan buat nonton video tausiyah Ustadz Felix yang lainnya. Dan ga cuma ketagihan sama videonya aja, aku juga ketagihan baca bukunya Ustadz Felix. Dua buku Ustadz Felix yang aku punya adalah "Yuk, berhijab!" dan "Udah Putusin Aja!". Dua buku ini juga isinya luar biasa. Bener-bener ngasih tau kebenaran dan menuntun kita untuk jadi lebih baik. Penasaran sama isi bukunya? Silahkan beli di toko buku terdekat :D *promosi*

Dan Alhamdulillah, aku berkesempatan buat dateng langsung ke acara tausiyah Ustadz Felix di Bandung waktu itu. Acaranya diadain di dua tempat yaitu di Masjid Istiqamah dan toko buku Gunung Agung BIP dengan tema "Islam Is Me". Dan kebetulan di dua sesi tausiyah itu ngebahas tentang buku "Yuk, Berhijab!" dan "Udah Putusin Aja!". Dan lagi-lagi banyak pencerahan yang luar biasa bisa didapet dari ngedengerin tausiyahnya Ustadz Felix ini. Subhanalah.

Daaan langsung ke inti dari postingan ini. Mungkin bisa dibilang, aku "ngefans" sama Ustadz yang satu ini. Cara penyampaian dakwahnya, isi dakwahnya, cara pikirnya, dan penampilannya aku suka banget :) bener-bener bisa Ngebuka hati dan pikiran untuk mempelajari dan mengamalkan Islam dengan seutuhnya, Subhanallah. Seansainya bisa nyampein secara langsung, pengen banget bilang makasih sama Ustadz Felix yang bisa dibilang udah "nyadarin" aku untuk jadi lebih baik lagi. 

Dan singkatnya, waktu itu aku ngeliat salah satu foto yang di posting di instagram Ustadz Felix. Foto Ustadz Felix sama istrinya. Iseng deh nge-comment minta follow back. Follow back qaqaaa =)))) hahahaha engga deh bukan gitu, intinya minta follow back aja. Daaaaan surpriseeeee beneran difollow back dooooong :DDD

Seneng seneng seneng Alhamdulillah :D

Difollow sama orang yang menginspirasi aku itu bukan hal yang biasa *agaklebay*

Well, udah gatau mau ngomong apalagi saking senengnya haha. Makasih untuk yang udah baca postingan yang tentu dan pastinya adalah curcol aku hahaha wassalam :D

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Owl City

Ngedenger nama Owl City, kayaknya udah ga asing lagi buat para penikmat musik khususnya musik aliran elektro-pop. Postingan tentang Owl City juga udah banyak banget bertebaran di internet, dan karena aku adalah fans nya Owl City alias Hoot Owls jadilah aku juga gamau kalah buat bikin postingan tentang penyanyi idola aku ini :D

Aku mulai ngedengerin lagi-lagunya Owl City pas SMA. Waktu itu salah satu temen deket aku doyan dan suka banget ngedengerin lagu-lagunya Owl City. Jadi penasaran deh sama lagu-lagunya Owl City dan akhirnya aku pun ngedownload lagu-lagunya Owl City. Waktu itu aku belum terlalu nikmatin lagu-lagunya Owl City, cuma sekedar ngedengerin aja. Sampe suatu hari temen deket aku itu nyanyiin lagu Owl City buat aku. Dari situlah aku jadi makin sering ngedengerin lagu-lagunya Owl City. Karena waktu itu aku dinyanyiin lagu Alligator Sky, jadi lagu Owl City yang paling sering aku dengerin ya lagu Alligator Sky. Waktu itu lagu Owl City yang aku punya ga banyak. Cuma ada Alligator Sky, To The Sky, Vanilla Twilight, Fireflies, Deer In The Headlights, sama The Bird and The Worm.

Sampe saat ini Owl City udah ngeluarin beberapa album kayak Ocean Eyes, Maybe I'm Dreamng, Of June, All Things Bright And Beautiful, The Midsummer Station, ada yang belum disebutin? Adam Young juga beberapa kali duet sama beberapa penyanyi dalam lagu-lagunya kayak di lagu Honey and The Bee sama Breanne Duren, Alligator Sky sama Shawn Chrystopher, Yacht Club sama  Lights, Plant Life sama Mattew Theissen, dan Good Time sama Carly Rae Jepsen. dan masih banyak lagi. Selain itu, Adam Young juga punya side project yang dikasih nama Sky Sailing, Port Blue, dan satu lagu aku lupa ehehe ._.v
Album-albumnya Owl City dan side project Adam Young yaitu Sky Sailing

Akhirnya ga cuma lagu-lagunya aja yang aku simpen di handphone, aku juga nyimpen video-videonya Owl City. Aku suka banget sama video Deer In The Headlights soalnya di video itu Adam Young alias Owl City nya ganteng bangeeeettt :3 Badannya bagus lagi ahaha.
Deer In The Headlights

Alesan aku sendiri suka banget sama lagu-lagunya Owl City sekaligus Adam Youngnya adalah pertama, lagu-lagunya Owl City itu unik-unik semua. Coba liat aja dari judul-judul lagunya. Misalnya Alligator Sky, Deer In The Headlights, The Saltwater Room, Dental Care, Umbrella Beach, Hot Air Balloon, Panda Bear, Tidal Wave, apa lagi ya? Hahaha unik-unik kan? Kedua, ga cuma judul lagunya aja yang unik tapi lirik lagunya juga unik, ga melulu tentang cinta-cintaan terus gaada liriknya lagu Owl City yang ngandung kata-kata kasar. Ketiga, musik irama dan aliran lagu-lagunya Owl City juga unik karena beraliran Elektro dan ini beda sama kebanyakan penyanyi atau band-band lain. Keempat, konsep video Owl City juga unik banget. Misalnya lagu Alligator Sky dimana Adam Young pake baju astronot terus di video Metropolis juga konsepnya kartun super hero. Kelima, ga cuma karya-karyanya aja yang unik dan jenius tapi Adam Young nya pun begitu. Tampangnya Adam Young udah memesona banget, ditambah postur badan yang bagus dan berotot :3 Selain itu kalo kita liat dari twitternya Adam Young yaitu @OwlCity dan blognya yaitu ayoungblog  pasti kita semua bisa nyimpulin kalo Adam Young itu cowok yang humoris. Misalnya, Adam Young pernah ngetweet gini, "in shower, drop bottle of shampoo on floor: everyone in he house thinks i died", "My girlfriend complains I never take her anywhere expensive so I took her to the gas station", "hiding behind the shower curtain with a kitchen knife until someone walks into the bathroom with a birthday cake and it just makes sense", "Once upon a time I was going to socially interact with people but then I was like lol nope the end", "Girl are you an owl city song cuz you're kinda weird bu i like you" Hahaha lucu kan :)) 

Selain itu, Adam Young yang beberapa kali pernah konser di Indonesia juga ngerasa nyaman di Indonesia terbukti sama tweetnya yang kayak gini, "I love Indonesia". Dan hebatnya lagi, Adam Young tau tentang ALAY HAHAHA terbukti sama tweetnya yang kayak gini, "L0lz tH4Nk y0u FOr b35T 5H0W 3veR Jak4rt4!!!!!! #4l4y #N4s1 #9oR3n9" "n0p3 RT @_derina are you afrad og being an alay?", "Wkwkwk pukpuk I 4M 4L4Y", "Wkwkwk -_____- h4h4h4 j0mbl0 4l_4Y3r5 <3 n451 g0R3Ng pukpuk", " j0mbl0 h4h4h4 lu k3n4 v12u5 4l4y y4? k37ul424n cy4ph4 wkwkwk -___-" Hahaha eksis banget kan alay sampe Adam Young aja tau =))

Selain humoris, Adam Young juga ternyata adalah cowok yang pemalu dan romantis. Semuanya terbukti dari salah satu postingan blognya yang berjudul Dear Taylor buka dehhh postingannya so sweet banget dan postingan itu buat Taylor Swift. Uhhhh beruntung banget kan Taylor Swift! Selain itu, bukti keromantisan Adam Young juga ada di lagu Enchanted, dimana Adam Young ngebales lagu Enchanted nya Taylor Swift yang ditujukan buat Adam Young dan Adam Young ngealesnya dengan ngecover lagu itu dengan nambahin beberapa kata. Dan lirik lagu yang paling romantis yang aku suka di lagu itu adalah ini, 

I was never in love with someone else
I never had somebody waiting on me
Cause you were all of my dreams come true
And I just wish you knew
Taylor I was so in love with you

Romantis banget kaaaaannnn??? beruntung banget deh Taylor Swift. Tapi anehnya dan sayangnya, setelah Adam Young nulis di blognya tentang Taylor dan ngebales lagu Enchantednya, Taylor malah ga ngerespon apa-apa ._. Eh ko jadi ngegosip ya? Hahaha.

Oiya, buat yang penasaran sama lagu-lagunya Owl City, aku punya beberapa recommended lagu-lagunya Owl City yang juga jadi lagu favorit aku yaitu Alligator Sky, Butterfly Wings, Deer In The Headlights, Gold, The Real World, Enchanted, Designer Skyline, The Saltwater Room, Galaxies, Fireflies, Umbrella Beach, Angels, Hot Air Balloon, When Can I See You Again, Rainbow Veins, Top of The World, Metropolis, daaaannn masih banyak lagi hahaha. Pokoknya semua lagunya Owl City aku suka dehhhh. Lagu-lagunya unik dan jenius :D

Akhir kata buat nutup postingan ini, aku berharap banget bisa dateng ke konsernya Owl City, ketemu langsung Owl City, dan syukur-syukur bisa foto bareng Owl City :D Aaaaa semoga kesampean deh ya, doakan aku ahahaha Aamiin Ya Allah o:)

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Random. Di malem yang harusnya udah tertidur karena ngebul belajar buat kuis pidana eh pas mau tidur malah gabisa tidur. Nyalain tv, gaada acara yang menarik. Dengerin lagu, gabisa tidur juga. Serba salah dah pokoknya. Tiba-tiba keingetan tentang suatu kejadian konyol sepulang les bahasa inggris. Begini ceritanya...

Malem itu, aku gaada yang jemput pulang les. Jadilah aku naik angkot. Dan sedihnya malem itu gaada temen barengan karena temen-temen yang lain ternyata pada dijemput. Naiklah angkot yang bercatkan hijau muda. Di dalem angkot itu, mata aku langsung tertuju sama pemuda yang tingkahnya agak aneh. Dia duduknya pas banget belakang supir. Untungnya ga duduk deket cowok itu, ya takut aja kenapa-napa. Udah malem, mana angkot ga terlalu penuh, dan aku cewek lagi. 

Singkat cerita, pas di angkot alhamdulillah ga kejadia apa-apa. Ya, mungkin emang udah suudzon duluan kali ya hehe maappp. Pas aku turun dari angkot, eh cowok itu ikutan turun juga. Errrr makin ngeri aja. Waktu itu aku bayar ga sama uang pas jadi sempet nunggu kembalian gitu. Pas selese dikasih uang kembalian, aku udah ga liat cowok yang tadi itu. Bersyukur deh.

Pas udah deket komplek rumah, tiba-tiba handphone aku ngegeter dan ternyata ada telpon dari Umi. Aku berniat ngangkat telpon itu pas udah masuk gerbang komplek biar aman. Ya maklum masih trauma kecopetan handphone ._. 

Pas mau ngangkat telpon gitu tiba-tiba kedengeran suara entah apa. Pas noleh kebelakang eh ada cowok yang tadi!!! Dia senyum-senyum gitu ke aku. Makin deg-degan aja ini jantung. Tanpa pikir panjang, aku langsung lari dan ngetok pintu sekenceng-kencengnya. Dan pintu rumah ga langsung dibukaaa ._. Pas aku noleh ke belakang, eh cowok itu ngetok salah satu rumah di komplek aku. Bentar, dia emang tetangga aku ya? Rasanya ga pernah liat dehhh ._.

Begitu pintu rumah dibuka, langsung cepet-cepet masuk rumah dan nyeritain apa yang aku alamin barusan ke orang-orang di rumah. Dan semuanya langsung ketawa. Ternyata dia emang tetangga aku yang sayangnya ga pernah aku liat sekalipun. Ansos emang aku ya sampe ga hapal tetangga sendiri -_-

Pelajaran yang bisa diambil : bergaul lah dengan tetanggamu agar tidak menyangka tetanggamu adalah orang jahat, maleeeemmmm -_-

Sunday, March 24, 2013, beberapa orang nampaknya nggak asing dengan situs web ini. Last fm  adalah situs web untuk scrobbling musik. Aku sendiri nggak tahu kegunaan pasti dari situs ini, tapi belakangan ini aku suka buka situs ini buat menambahkan referensi lagu terutama karena aku bosen banget sama playlist lagu di handphone. Awalnya bikin account last fm ini karena salah satu sepupu aku suka banget membuka situs web ini, terus penasaran buat bikin account juga dan ketagihan deh sampe sekarang. Semenjak sering buka situs last fm dan liat beberapa profile last fm beberapa temen, jadi tau banyak banget lagu-lagu yang enak banget buat di dengerin, genrenya juga ga terbatas. Tadinya aku cuma suka denger lagu-lagu pop sama elektopop gitu tapi semenjak kenal sama last fm jadi suka juga sama musik indie terutama indie luar kayak band phoenix sama alphabeat. Buat yang penasaran sebenernya situs last fm ini kayak gimana, silahkan buat aja account kalian di Dari sekian banyak lagu yang pernah aku scrobbling di account last fm aku, ada beberapa lagu yang jadi favorite aku. Kali aja bisa jadi referensi kalian, aku bakal nyebutin beberapa lagu favorite aku dan inilahhhh

1. Phoenix - Long Distance Call

Where to go I had no idea26.10 was the price to payA messed up kid with no ideals at allI thought those 26.10, I shouldn't give 'em away

I remember this young guy died and I took his partHe got far too many stitches on his pretty faceLong time to see but I always thought us two would be seriousI was looking around town, thinking the same as you

I'm far gone but your long distance callAnd your capital letters keep me asking for more

It's never been like that, it's never been like thatIt's never been like that, it's never been like thatIt's never been like that, it's never been like thatIt's never been like that, it's never been like that, no

I'm far gone but your long distance callAnd your capital letters keep me asking for more

Where to go I had no idea about itMost of the people do, they're only doing just fineI don't wanna stay in place no more, seeAin't doing well, well, well, I am only doing just fine

Long time no see, long time no sayGot little to tell, I don't say much but I mightSomething always told me us two would be seriousI am looking around town, thinking the same as you

I'm far gone but your long distance callAnd your capital letters keep me asking for more

It's never been like that, it's never been like thatIt's never been like that, it's never been like thatIt's never been like that, it's never been like thatIt's never been like that, it's never been like that, no

I'm far gone but your long distance callAnd your capital letters keep me asking for more

It's never been like that, it's never been like thatIt's never been like that, it's never been like thatIt's never been like that, it's never been like thatIt's never been like that, it's never been like that, no

I'm far gone but your long distance callAnd your capital letters keep me asking for more

Long time no see, long time no say
2. Alphabeat - Ocean Blue

It was when I was stealing

Glances from you,

It was when I was feeling,
You stole from me too.

Our glances stray and *entwine*,
I take your hand and you take mine.

And your eyes were ocean blue,
And the sky was too.
And your eyes were ocean blue,
And the sky was too.

Right words I am missing,
For my feelings so true,
And for the lips I am kissing,
Belonging to you.

Our glances stray and entwine,
I take your hand and you take mine.

And your eyes were ocean blue,
And the sky was too.
And your eyes were ocean blue,
And the sky was too.


And your eyes were ocean blue,
And the sky was too.
And your eyes were ocean blue,
And the sky was too,
And the sky was,
And the sky was,
And the sky was too.

3. King of Conveniece - I'd Rather Dance With You

I'd rather dance with you than talk with you 

So why don't we just move into the other room 

There's space for us to shake, and hey, I like this tune 

Even if I could hear what you said 
I doubt my reply would be interesting for you to hear 
Because I haven't read a single book all year
And the only film I saw, I didn't like it at all 

I'd rather dance, I'd rather dance than talk with you 
I'd rather dance, I'd rather dance than talk with you 
I'd rather dance, I'd rather dance than talk with you 

The music's too loud and the noise from the crowd 
Increases the chance of misinterpretation 
So let your hips do the talking 
I'll make you laugh by acting like the guy who sings 
And you'll make me smile by really getting into the swing 
Getting into the swing, getting into the swing 
Getting into the swing, getting into the swing 
Getting into the swing, getting into the swing 
Getting into the swing, getting into the swing... 

(Getting to the swing...)
I'd rather dance, I'd rather dance than talk with you 
I'd rather dance, I'd rather dance than talk with you 
I'd rather dance, I'd rather dance than talk with you 
I'd rather dance, I'd rather dance than talk with you 
I'd rather dance with you 
I'd rather dance with you 
I'd rather dance with you

4. Sky Sailing - Brielle

There's a handwritten note pressed in the doorOf her screened in porchAnd I am sailing away recalling that dayMiles from shore

She was still wearing white and robin's egg blueHer grandmother's dressWhen I left early this year how I won't appearIs anyone's guess

When the new sites grow old and I start to feel coldI'll sail home again

Goodbye Brielle, only whispers can tellOf the sweet dreams that we knew so wellI'll see you around our dear ocean townThe frozen days we set ablaze sent me drifting away

Like a butterfly you floated by and now you're aloneI wish I knew when I'll be back againSo until then I wish you well, my dear Brielle

Strolling over the sand and cobblestone pathsThat wind through the treesAnd breathing the sweet forest air makes the blue bird awareThat she could be free

When the new sites grow old and I start to feel coldI'll sail home again

Goodbye Brielle, only whispers can tellOf the sweet dreams that we knew so wellI'll see you around our dear ocean townThe frozen days we set ablaze sent me drifting away

Like a butterfly you floated by and now you're aloneI wish I knew when I'll be back againSo until then I wish you well, so until then I wish you wellI love you, my darling, farewell, my dear Brielle
5. Noah and The Whale - Waiting My Chance To Come

Well, I’m just waiting for my chance to come

Just a silhouette against the rising sun

Watch the water, watch the sky
Count the days as they go by
I’m just waiting for my chance to come

Well, it takes real guts to be alone

Goin’ head to head with the great unknown

But there is no sweeter sound
On the Kings Road unbound
And just waiting for your chance to come

‘Cause it’s hard to feel like

You’re worth something in this life

When you’re walking next to me
I can hear my body speak
We’re just waiting for a chance to come
We’re just waiting for a chance to come

Your immortal smile is burned in me

When I close my eyes, it’s all I see

I’m on the canyons in the stars
You’re the guide inside my heart
I’m just waiting for my chance to come

And you’re looking for a way out of here

Yeah, a way to see this whole life all disappear

Take a gamble in your heart
It will lead you through the dark
You’re just waiting for your chance to come

‘Cause it’s hard to feel like

You’re worth something in this life

When you’re walking next to me
I can hear my body speak
We’re just waiting for a chance to come
We’re just waiting for a chance to come

And no one’s gonna get in my way

I’ll figure it out for myself

And no one’s gonna make me stay
I’ll figure it out for myself
‘Cause I don’t need nothing
I’m just waiting for a chance to come
6. Daphne Loves Derby - Sun

I'm desperate to know how you are 

I hope you're deep asleep 

I've been awake for days 
Trying to study every inch of your body 

And in this picture, 
From a distant state 
when I can safely say, 
Nothing in this world could tear me down in any way 
But like a dream you disappeared without a sound, without a trace... 

Sleep well darling, 
Wherever you are, I hope that you're happy tonight 
And maybe you found someone who *will love you right 
Sleep well darling 
I'm desperate to say now I need you more than ever 
but* all I could *say was* goodnight 

This is for a girl back home 
She tore down all my walls 
Left me for all she had known
But I pushed it all away from me 
And no no, even if I knew, even if I knew what to say to you 
Its just too late to make you stay 
I'm sick of fighting this broken fate 

Someone else gets to tell you that you're beautiful... 

Sleep well darling, 
Wherever you are, I hope that you're happy tonight 
And maybe you found someone who will love you right 
Sleep well darling 
I'm desperate to say now I need you more than ever 
but all I could say was goodnight 

Its the last thing I want, but its all that I got 
Its the last thing I need but I still carry you in my heart, in my heart... (x2) 

Sleep well darling, 
Wherever you are, I hope that you're happy tonight 
And maybe you found someone who will love you right 
Sleep well darling, 
I'm desperate to say now I need you more than ever 
but all I could say was goodnight

7. Vampire Weekend - Diplomat's Son

It’s not right but it’s now or neverAnd if I wait could I ever forgive myself?

On a night when the moon glows yellow in the riptideWith the light from the TVs buzzing in the house

Cuz I’m gonna cut it where I canAnd then I’m gonna duck out behind themIf I ever had a chance it’s now thenBut I never had the feeling I could offer that to you

To offer it to you would be cruelWhen all I want to do is use, use you

He was a diplomat’s sonIt was ‘81

Dressed in white with my car keys hidden in the kitchenI could sleep wherever I lay my head

And the sight of your two shoes sitting in the bathtubLet me know that I shouldn’t give up just yet

Cuz I’m gonna take it from SimonAnd then I’m gonna duck out behind themIf I ever had a chance it’s now thenBut I never had the feeling I could offer that to you

To offer it to you would be cruelWhen all I want to do is use, use you

He was a diplomat’s sonIt was ‘81

I know, you’ll sayI’m not doing it rightBut this is how I want it

I can’t go backTo how I felt before

That night I smoked a jointWith my best friendWe found ourselves in bedWhen I woke up he was gone

He was the diplomat’s sonIt was ‘81

Looking out at the ice-cold water all around meI can’t feel any traces of that other place

In the dark when the wind comes racing off the riverThere’s a car all black with diplomatic plates

8. The Academy Is... - About a Girl

One song about a girl, can't breathe when I'm around herI wait here everyday in case she scratch the surfaceShe'll never notice

I'm not in love, this is not my heartI'm not gonna waste these words about a girl

Last night I knew what to say but you weren't there to hear itThese lines so well rehearsed, tongue-tied and overloadedYou never notice

I'm not in love, this is not my heartI'm not gonna waste these words about a girl

I'm not in love, this is not your songI'm not gonna waste these words about a girl

To be loved, to be loved, what more could you ask for?To be loved, to be loved, everyone wantsTo be loved, to be loved, what more could you ask for?To be loved, to be loved, everyone

I'm not in love, this is not my heartI'm not gonna waste these words

I'm not in love, this is not my heartI'm not gonna waste these words about a girl

I'm not in love(To be loved, to be loved, what more could you ask for?)This is not your song(To be loved, to be loved, everyone wants)I'm not gonna waste these words about a girl(To be loved, to be loved)

9. Ra Ra Riot - Too Dramatic

On my black feetI run with all my heartTo black shores and riversIn spite of all I feel

You're too dramaticI don't understand it

Don't listen when you're wearyOh, but I wanna talk about itYou and me weren't made for that I'm sure

Running milesIt doesn't stop for youIt doesn't stop for, ahhya

Cause you're too dramaticI don't understand itOut of the staticCause you're too dramatic, ahh yay aah
You know I couldn't live here that way, you've said it beforeHe left Cincinnatti, just sixteenOh how does it feel boy, I know, I guessOh, that theres nothing honest, honest all that matters is that

You're too dramaticI don't understand itOut of the staticCause you're too dramatic ahh yay aah

But the people I knewDon't matter to me anymore

Cause you're too dramaticI don't understand it

You're too dramaticI don't understand itOut of the staticCause you're too dramatic, ahh yay aah
10. Tahiti 80 - Open Book

You feel you have nothing to hide
It's dazzling like a star, yet there is
something inside
Beautiful and dangerous like a rose
Something telling you, you shouldn't
get too close

But don't try, Because

You may burn your wings and crash to the ground
It makes you wish you were lost and never found
But you feel your face is blushing now

Looking back, it's always the same vicious circle
You fall in love like you'd fall from a bicycle
And everybody's walking in slow motion
You don't, you can't control your reaction

You should try, Because


Your eyes are like an open book,
One can tell everything from the way you look
The way you look


Cause your eyes are like an open book,
One can tell everything from the way you look

Sekian postingan ini, silahkan kunjungi account last fm aku di dan semoga bisa jadi referensi playlist kalian ya! :D